RTP DMDG Winter Symposium Poster Travel Awards:

Guidelines for the Submission and Eligibility of Posters by

Students or Post-Doctoral Research Associates


Rules and Requirements for Award Consideration:

  1. Electronic copies of the abstract, poster and a completed application form must be received by the RTP DMDG Administrator (Cindy Rewerts, rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org) no later than the deadline of three weeks before the Symposium date. 
  2. Email letter from adviser/supervisor indicating their consent to submission and presentation.
  3. Abstracts/Posters must contain the following information to be eligible for consideration of an award:
    1. The designated presenter/primary author and contact information
    2. The status of the presenter, i.e., graduate student or post doctoral associate
    3. Affiliation of the presenter, i.e., Department and Institution
    4. Mentor or supervisor of the presenter
    5. Statement of the significance or potential impact of the work performed
  4. A Judging Committee will select two finalists based on the submitted information.  The two finalist will be notified at least a week before the Symposium and asked to prepare a 15 min podium presentation based on their posters.  Final judging will be based on the podium presentation. 
  5. A travel award of $500 and $250 will be presented to the winner and to the runner up, respectively, at the conclusion of the Symposium.
  6. An applicant can enter only one submission. 
  7. Only the first 15 applications submitted will be eligible for the award judging.
  8. Submissions received after the deadline will not be eligible for these awards.
  9. Applicants must be present with their poster during designated times at the Symposium.
  10. The two finalists must present a 15 min podium presentation at the Symposium.